Wat is Kubernetes

What is Kubernetes and what can your organization do with this technology?

Kubernetes is an important orchestration platform for managing containers and applications. Read all about its features and benefits.

What can it mean for my organization?

Explore the possibilities of Kubernetes

Do you want to improve your application management with Kubernetes? Are you curious about how we can assist you with this? We're here to help!

In a world where digital transformation and IT agility are increasingly important, container technology and orchestration have become indispensable technologies for many organizations. Kubernetes is a software platform that plays an important role in managing large groups of containers and modern applications.

But what exactly is Kubernetes? And what can you do with it? In this blog article, we will introduce you to Kubernetes in more detail and show you what to consider when you start using the orchestration platform. Take advantage of it!


What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (Greek for 'helmsman'), often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform designed to automate the management and scalability of applications deployed in containers (packages that include all the components needed for an application to run). It's often referred to as 'the operating system for the cloud'.

Kubernetes consists of various components:

  • Nodes. These are virtual or physical machines. Each cluster has a master node and multiple worker nodes.
  • A cluster comprises a set of nodes used to run containerized applications managed by Kubernetes.
  • A pod is a container or a group of containers running in a cluster.

Cloudcontainers are instances containing the software and all dependencies of an application.

Advantages for Kubernetes

Using Kubernetes offers diverse benefits for organizations. The platform enables rapid and flexible scaling; depending on demand, you can effortlessly increase or decrease resources and containers. It also simplifies stabilizing deployments by optimally distributing network traffic.

The rise of container technology and Kubernetes as a platform for orchestrating applications in containers shortens the innovation cycle. Due to container scalability and the ability to run multiple versions of an application concurrently, it becomes feasible to innovate incrementally and iteratively.

Another key advantage of Kubernetes is the ability to run multiple versions of an application simultaneously. This eliminates the need for sequential testing and acceptance environments before going 'live'. You can roll out software quickly and in short cycles, reducing the risk of service downtime.

Kubernetes also enables automatic distribution of containers across your entire cluster for higher uptime. Additionally, you can allocate specific clusters to suitable hardware nodes and interconnect multiple servers for increased availability.

Kubernetes serves as an effective monitoring tool, automatically ensuring that all your containers are functioning correctly. If not, Kubernetes swiftly replaces malfunctioning containers with new ones ('auto-healing'). Kubernetes simplifies managing complex IT architectures and contributes to cost savings by efficiently utilizing resources.

With OAuth tokens and SSH keys, Kubernetes securely updates container images. The combination of proper roles and permissions in the secrets manager facilitates secure environment linking with nodes in cloud platforms like Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, and AliCloud.

Considerations for implementing Kubernetes:

Despite its significant advantages in managing applications and containers, understanding and using Kubernetes is not always straightforward. Kubernetes offers extensive configuration options and is quite complex. Many Kubernetes components and tasks, such as middleware, monitoring, configuration, and CI/CD, require additional tools (ArgoCD, Flux, Helm, Kustomize).

Successfully implementing Kubernetes requires careful attention to infrastructure requirements, including networking and storage options. Scalable, repeatable IT infrastructure and robust monitoring and logging are crucial infrastructure requirements for fully leveraging Kubernetes capabilities. Adequate training of personnel familiar with Kubernetes administration is essential. Additionally, prioritize security and compliance to protect data and applications.

Practical tips for starting with Kubernetes

The best way to start with Kubernetes is to invest in training and leverage available learning resources provided by Kubernetes and its extensive community. This helps familiarize employees with the platform, enabling everyone to understand Kubernetes technology and best practices to maximize its vast array of capabilities.

Start modestly with small projects and learn from experience. Avoid overly ambitious projects to maintain clarity and discover Kubernetes at a comfortable pace. Gradually build up knowledge, staying vigilant for potential pitfalls such as resource overloading or neglecting critical security aspects. Incremental expansion increases the likelihood of a seamless Kubernetes adoption.

Managed Kubernetes at Eurofiber Cloud Infra

To benefit from Kubernetes' advantages and functionalities while minimizing management complexity, managed Kubernetes is an appealing option. With this solution, you receive support from a specialized partner to set up and manage the platform. This includes establishing a CI/CD environment, scanning container images for security issues, and configuring Kubernetes to align perfectly with your organization and business.

Eurofiber Cloud Infra offers excellent capabilities for efficiently hosting and managing Kubernetes workloads, allowing organizations to focus entirely on their core activities. With managed Kubernetes, concerns about finding competent Kubernetes specialists in the tight IT job market are alleviated.

Eurofiber Cloud Infra is ready for you

Want to know more about Kubernetes?

Would you like to enhance your application management with Kubernetes? Curious about how we can assist you with this? Please feel free to contact us at +31 (0) 30 242 8720 or through the contact form on our website.